Wednesday, November 23, 2011


How do daily bloggers come up with the titles for their posts? I have no idea, I usually just wing it. :P

Had several happy moments and several upsets today.

On the positive side: the scrap metal we had sitting in our driveway was picked up today. Yay The processor that Dwayne ordered for my computer came in. It was a triple core AMD one, and it wasn't expensive at all. It was gonna replace the processor in my trusty Wal-Mart special that I bought like 5 or 6 years ago. It's still going strong, with like no problems at all. "Knock on wood."

On the negative side: My mother board will not support the new processor, it won't even support Dwayne's, and his is only a dual core. Which means I will not get to play Star Wars on my computer this weekend while Dwayne plays on his. I also can't work for god knows how long because I wrenched my back last week. My bones are all in the right places but the doctor on call in the emergency room said it could be a slipped disk, pinched nerve, or plain old pulled muscles. Who knows. What I do know is that I have trouble walking, can't sit for long periods of time, and can't make any sudden moves that involve the waist. Which is like everything!

It's almost time for me to go to sleep cause I have to be at school tomorrow morning before 8:30 to write a math test that I missed last week. Wish me luck.

Later All and Be Well

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So I went back to school today after a week off. I wrenched my back muscles last week and was having a lot of trouble moving around. I got into class and one of my classmates is a nurse and what she recommends as a muscle relaxant/pain reliever is a shot of Tequila or two. :)

I like that, however as I am an alcoholic drinking just isn't in the cards. Even if it is therapeutic. Oh boy do I wish it was. Normally I have some control over my urges to drink when Dwayne and I go out. I now have a 1 drink rule and it has to be in a mug. And definitely no beer what so ever. Ever.

Why, you say. Well there was a time when I would start the day with a beer and just keep going and going. Maybe sometime during the day I would have something to eat and then again most days I didn't eat at all. All I did was drink beer, coffee and smoke. I didn't really like myself during that time. Not going to repeat that time again, so no drinking for me.

As for my classes I have to write my word processing midterm tomorrow and financial math test on Thursday morning. Most of the others I'm pretty much caught up on. So we'll see how well I did. :)

Later All and Be Well

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Star Wars

So they, meaning BioWare, lifted the ban on talking about it's new mmo Star Wars The Old Republic. Yay I can talk about it!!!!! Now in my years of playing mmo's I've tried quite a few. EQ2 Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and Rift just recently. That's just on the computer, for the 360 I've tried Dragon Age and Tales of Symphonia for the Game Cube. And I gotta tell ya not liking what was out there. It all just made me like my crack even more. :)

However I got into the main beta testing for SW-TOR about a month ago and I COULDN'T tell anyone anything about the game, except to buy it when it came out. Now from what people are saying about it now they may not like it and it may not replace their one true game crack.

I thought I wouldn't like the way it gave you options on how the conversations go and how your character interacts with other players and npcs. But I find that I do like it. I even like pvp, and if you know anything about me at all you'll know I HATE pvp and always try to get Dwayne to do it for me. Not that he does, but I try. :)

I play a Sith Inquistor cause you know I like doing damage from a distance. And I like the option for healing as well. Well she does both. But what really sold me on her was that I could be a total and complete snotty sarcastic bitch. Who kills just cause she felt like it. I also have this side kick who wants to kill me at times, but he can't cause i kicked his ass and now he has to obey my every command. Yes I love it.

So I hope that you do at least try the game and if it's not for you then that's OK. I'm not gonna bash you about it. I'm still gonna play my Warcraft cause I love that game to. Hey I can love two games. :)

Later All and Be Well

Sunday, November 6, 2011


So I'm feeling crappy and lousy. I had a massive headache last week that made me miss a couple of classes. I had to sleep and that was hard with the construction crew still working on the basement. :( and :)

The basement is almost done, hopefully the dust will stop flying thru the air and clogging up my sinus's. A stuffed nose is not fun at all, especially as it is getting colder and cold season is starting. One of the downsides of the construction at my house is that it looks funny without a front porch.
And smaller to boot. We are gonna be putting a porch back on and it should be insulated so maybe it will be useable year round, and not as a spare freezer in the winter. :)

My classes at school are going fine and I''m finding that math really is useful in everyday life. However not everything I'm learning looks like it's gonna be useful. Oh well maybe I'll find a use for it, somewhere, in a far off galaxy in the far distant future.

One thing I'm not finding crappy is my beta testing for BioWare and since I can't really talk about it all I'm gonna say is " Buy this game. NOW NOW NOW"

Later All and Be Well