Wednesday, May 4, 2011


When I heard about Bin Laden being killed I had several mixed emotions. First, I was relieved that he would no longer be around to terrorize anymore people. Second, was I hope they fed him to the fishes and that his followers would not be able to make a shrine for him. Now I'm not american so I haven't lived with all the terror that they have but I do have some people that I call friends who do live in the States. One of them has a blog that I read on a regular basis and his post today is one that made me think on Osama's death. How people have been celebrating and others have been openly criticizing them, saying they have no compassion and are inhumane. I like Wind's viewpoint and how he made sense of it. So I invite you to go read his blog and see if you feel the same way.

Later all and Be Well

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