I remember that myself and a pally named Bohdica were made officers because we were dancing on tables. :P This was an awesome guild with just the bast people in it, however it was torn apart by a group of players that made it goal of going around from guild to guild to see if they could break it up. Well they did, and it pissed us off. There was a mass exodus of players from the guild and in turn we formed a new guild called OOB. It was a play on the name of the old guild name. Now I stayed with them for a long time. When the Burning Crusade expansion came out I decided to make a new toon a mage. I named her Elystia :) Now while I was leveling Ely the guild was busy tearing thru the new areas as fast as possible to get to the new raids. I went more slowly and was leveling the warrior and priest at the same time. Usually when I was letting my mage get some rested xp. Eventually I just decided that I wanted a break from raiding. I wasn't keeping up with the rest of them and I really just didn't want to tank or heal anymore. I wanted to throw fireballs or freeze things.
Well I've leveled them to max in the latest expac so I decided to make a class that I normally don't play. A paladin. So I did the melee tank and dps thing. Not much for melee. So I decided to try healing on a pally. Now Dwayne said that healing wasn't so bad just to remember that you have no HoT's (heal over time) Well most of my toons have been on the alliance side (hubby calls them pretty toons). I decided to make this one a Tauren (female of course). She is now just a smidgen away from level 52 and so far I'm liking it.
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