Saturday, June 25, 2011


Well I named the blog Ely's Life because of Warcraft and one of my favorite toons in it. A mage. Well recently I started playing a paladin and so far I'm liking it. A pally can play three roles in a group, Tank, Dps, or Heal. Now I've played a melee class before, in fact I've been an off-tank with a warrior during the original Warcraft. Sometimes called Vanilla by those of us who have played since the beginning or near enough to it. :) I myself have been playing since November of 95 or 96, not sure which and too lazy to check right now. Lol. Back in those days Hunters were considered a joke by any serious player, considering most of them were idiots. But if you were to find a good Hunter they went on your friends list for future groupings, or if they were unguilded then you invited them to your guild. I joined my first guild Order of Bahamut with my warrior Errana and I met some really nice people.

I remember that myself and a pally named Bohdica were made officers because we were dancing on tables. :P This was an awesome guild with just the bast people in it, however it was torn apart by a group of players that made it goal of going around from guild to guild to see if they could break it up. Well they did, and it pissed us off. There was a mass exodus of players from the guild and in turn we formed a new guild called OOB. It was a play on the name of the old guild name. Now I stayed with them for a long time. When the Burning Crusade expansion came out I decided to make a new toon a mage. I named her Elystia :) Now while I was leveling Ely the guild was busy tearing thru the new areas as fast as possible to get to the new raids. I went more slowly and was leveling the warrior and priest at the same time. Usually when I was letting my mage get some rested xp. Eventually I just decided that I wanted a break from raiding. I wasn't keeping up with the rest of them and I really just didn't want to tank or heal anymore. I wanted to throw fireballs or freeze things.

Well I've leveled them to max in the latest expac so I decided to make a class that I normally don't play. A paladin. So I did the melee tank and dps thing. Not much for melee. So I decided to try healing on a pally. Now Dwayne said that healing wasn't so bad just to remember that you have no HoT's (heal over time) Well most of my toons have been on the alliance side (hubby calls them pretty toons). I decided to make this one a Tauren (female of course). She is now just a smidgen away from level 52 and so far I'm liking it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


So it's been 2 weeks of working and I gotta tell ya, sometimes my feet kill me. I work for 3 hours a day and almost all I do while working is cleaning. I know it's gotta be done but seriously. This is just something to do for extra cash until school starts in the fall. I'm going back to school, and hopefully getting fully funded by my band. Then if I want to work I can. Probably not going to tho. The course I'm taking does have 2 sessions of work experience in it. As it's a business admin course I'm taking I'll be working in an office. No more waitressing or working in a restaurant for me. :) Yay!

On the plus side of working I get tips. But sometimes you get customers who are really cheap and don't give tips no matter how good the service is. Dwayne and I go out if the service is good they get a tip. If it sucks then they don't. Most of the places we've gone to have good service.

Well that's my rant for the day.

Later All and Be Well

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Well last night was the final game in the Stanley Cup finals. Vancouver choked and lost it to the Bruins. Oh well can't win them all. What I don't understand is, Yes we lost, but why do people feel the need to go out and vandalize. Really, is breaking windows, starting fires and rioting gonna change the final score? Nope. Idiots. Grow up, stop acting like a baby it's just a game. It's not like your gonna live or die based on the outcome. All it does is give you a bad name and show what a poor loser you are. If you're one of the unlucky ones you've now got a criminal record to show it. For the ones who didn't get caught and charged, I say 'You should have been.'

Now I have a feeling if people out there actually read what I have to say then I'm gonna be criticized. All I have to say to them is 'My life doesn't revolve around sports.' Yes I do have sports teams I cheer for, but I'm not a fanatic about it. I don't feel the need to put down people who don't cheer for the same teams I do. If we do that's great, but if not, you won't lose me as a friend. It just means that if we do discuss sports we will have heated debates. :P

There is my 2 cents worth.

Later All and Be Well

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Well time for another post. I was reading some of the blogs I usually follow and on this one, she talks about she doesn't like playing or interacting with others alot. I say that if your gonna home school your kids that you will need to provide them with other children to play with. If you don't know alot of people with kids then going to the park is a great way for kids to become socialized and meet kids. When my daughter was younger, around 2 or so, I went back to work and she went into daycare. When she started Nursery school she was prepared to interact with other kids and knew how to follow instructions. She was also well on her way to reading and know her numbers.

Now my youngest, I didn't go back to work as he was diagnosed with food allergies and they were pretty severe ones too. I didn't realize how many foods contained milk or eggs. I was making my own bread cause all the ones in the stores contained both milk and eggs. Needless to say that we lived on Rice and Potatoes. No cream soups for us :(

Because I didn't put him into daycare and he only socialized with like 3 or 4 other kids, when it came time for him to start school, he was at a disadvantage. Oh he new his alphabet and numbers and was starting to read, but he did not know how to interact with other kids his own age. It was a huge shock for him. He had the same kindergarten teacher as his sister did and I explained about him not going to daycare and how he might have trouble adjusting to the other children. I was lucky that the school was one that believed in helping kids adjust to new experiences and situations. For that I'm grateful.

For all those out there who don't put their kids in daycare or some such, at least have them part of a play group that meets regularly so they can learn the social skills they will need to survive as they enter the bigger world.

OK off my soapbox now :P

Later all and Be Well

Monday, June 6, 2011


I have a serious question. When do couples stop kissing? The reason I ask is Dwayne and I don't kiss as often as we used to. When we started dating we were kissing all the time. I have noticed that other couples don't as well (I don't know what they do in their bedrooms tho )
Is it a gradual easing off and does it happen to everyone?

I have a theory about it. As couples get closer emotionally they don't feel the need to be constantly kissing and show how they feel to the rest of the world. We just celebrated our 11th anniversary and have been together for almost 20 years and I still feel the same way now as I did then. As a matter of fact I can't see life without him. It is my hope that we will have another 40 or 50 years together.

It is my wish that everyone who is married are still as much in love now as they were on the day they got married.

Later all and Be Well

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So while surfing the net yesterday a friend came across a news article needless to say it made both Dwayne's and my day. Sophie is coming home to Manitoba, and so are her parents of course. I think they are really happy to be on their way home, but after she gets completely out of the hospital they are going to have to do some adjusting. It's going to be great that they have the privacy again. I mean after spending 3/4 of her young life in a hospital it's going to be different to wake up in her own bed, and not see all the machines that were needed for such a long time. But I've said it before and I'll say it again kids are strange little people and they do amazing things. I pray that when she's old and gray with grand-kids that this will have been the hardest thing she had ever gone thru.

My prayers and others have worked for Sophie now we just have to get Gary on the way to recovery and better. I'll still keep Sophie in my prayers tho. :)

Later all and Be Well