Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Life Sucks

The title says it all. One of my friends is waiting for a heart to become available for his daughter. They had gone on a family trip to the Philippines to see his wife's family. When they got back his daughter couldn't shake the cold she had, they took her to the Dr's and after a series of tests she was diagnosed with leukemia. That was harsh as she only about 1 or 2 years old. She was a little trooper all thru her chemo in Winnipeg, she finished it and we all breathed a huge sigh of relief that she beat it. After she had been home for about 2 months she was back in the hospital. This time it was her heart. The chemo treatment she was on had a side effect of weakening the heart (this is a rare side effect they say). Her Dr's in Winnipeg recommended that she go to the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton AB for a Berlin heart. So over a year has passed since she had the surgery and her heart is getting somewhat stronger but not strong enough for her to be weaned form it. I know for her to get a heart someone has to die but I still pray that she doesn't have to wait much longer as every child deserves to have a normal childhood.

Another reason life sucks is one of my brothers friend's was diagnosed with cancer as well. Now this is someone that came over to our house all the time while we were growing up. I don't like the idea that the people around me will someday pass on to a better place. Not when they are young like Sophie and Garry. They say God only gives you as much hardships as you can handle but maybe he can give these two a little less hardship and a little more ease. I believe that I'm gonna start going to church again, if only to give myself some peace of soul.

Later all and Be Well

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Feelin the Love

Well in playing WoW I've tried most races and classes. I don't like humans, undead or bloodelf. I like draenai, goblin, gnome and dwarves. I will play the others if I want a change. As for classes my top choices would be cloth casters. The bottom of the list is rogue, shammy, dk, and warrior. Now I've leveled a warrior tank all the way to 80 and left her there. Don't like the melee dps and tanking there's just too much drama going on. The only dk I had I deleted because i just hated that class and most of them are idiots. I have made rogues and shammy before but almost always got bored with them about level 20 or so and them deleted them. this time round I made a goblin shammy
and for some reason I like her (maybe because she's a goblin ) Don't she look cute? As you can see she's level 38 and I'm bound to have leveled her some more soon. I'm really feelin the love for the shammy at this point. Will I get bored of her maybe who knows. I will keep her tho. :P

If anyone comes to read my blog and you play Warcraft what are your favorite classes?

Later all and Be Well

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Dad

Well it's been 2 years since my dad died. For the longest time I kept saying "I'm gonna dance on his grave" OK.... so I know that's not nice, and I haven't done so far so maybe I'm not gonna do it at all. Besides if the person who was his wife kept to her word, he is buried with my Grandma and I love her and would not do anything to upset her (even tho she is dead). Also, I believe in Karma and all that stuff. I do not want to be haunted by the spirit world at all.

My mom told me that after he died he came to visit her and was making some of her stuff move around. No, can not be blamed on the wind or anything like that, she didn't have any windows open in her apt. She told him to go away, and that if he was angry to not to take it out on her. But to go to the person he was angry with. He hasn't been back to bother her since. I don't think he was angry with me cause he didn't come to see/visit me. Maybe the ghost in my apt in Wpg wouldn't let him in, who knows.

I loved my dad, even tho I don't think I mattered to him. God, that's harsh and very hard to admit to myself let alone write it down for the world to see.

Love you Dad and R.I.P