Thursday, January 17, 2013


I admit it I'm a creeper. every once in a while I check out my ex-boyfriends Facebook page, just to see whats going on in his life. I mean, he is the father of my oldest child and he was my first love and all.
  So I'm checking it out and I see a baby picture on it. I'm like that's not Matthew, who is that kid?
It turns out that he got married again and his new wife gave him a son. And now apparently she is pregnant again.
  I know I should get over it, but he totally denied Matthew and for some reason I can't forgive him for that. When my dad died I sent him a message that his son just wanted to get to meet him. Matthew didn't want anything at all from him but to be able to talk to him and be recognized as his son. But no, that is not possible. Why? Cause he has NO memory of my telling him I'm pregnant or the time that was spent with lawyers and in court. His reason for no memory? He was drunk from the age of 18 to the age of 21, I don't think so buddy.
   His new wife is going to school here in Dauphin. She's taking Business Administration year 1. So what do I do now? I don't want to cause a scene or tension, so I'm just going to let things be. See how it plays out. 
  Taking deep breaths now to keep myself calm.

Later all and Be Well