Monday, February 6, 2012


So as the title says 'I'm feeling something' Just not sure what yet. I do recognize it a little bit. I last started feeling like about 3 years ago, right about this time. I didn't know it yet but my dad was dying, mom had told me around xmas time that he wasn't doing to good and might not last long. It was a chore just to get up in the morning and see the kids off to school. When they left I went back to sleep and slept til they got home. I even went to bed when they did. It turns out I was depressed and didn't know it. I hated feeling like that. I had no ambition to do anything at all.
I went and saw a doctor about it and when I mentioned that I felt like nobody would miss me if I was gone he said "Of course no one's going to miss you.Why would you think they'd miss you?" Now what kind of doctor is that anyway? Aren't they supposed to help you? Or at least refer you to someone who can help you? This time around I think I'm gonna see a different kind of Dr, one who specializes in mental health. Cause I really can't afford the depression and harm it does to me.

Later All and Be Well