Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hi all just a quick note to day that my course is over and I'm soooo happy. I had my mom and my oldest son there, and my son decided that he wants to do the course when it starts again in the fall. Before he goes into the mature student high school program. I think it would be good for him.

Some of us went out to supper and then to one of the local bars, I have never felt so old as i did then. I know I don't look 40 but boy did i feel it tonight. The bar was one that i went to when I was young and carefree (about a lifetime ago). It was packed with people about the age I was when I went there, and some of them were dressed the same way too. It's true when people say that fashion trends just keep going in circles and what was old is new again. I had about 7 drinks and so far I feel really good. Gonna eat my wings and drink my slurpee and maybe sleep on the couch as the youngest is sleeping in my bed with my hubby :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just Stuff

Well I'm almost done with my course only 1 more day to go then graduation and lunch. I still don't like all the touchy feely crap being done but oh well I got some great certificates and a professional resume out of the deal :D I can't remember if I mentioned that we had to do a paper about 'Who Inspires Me' I did mine on my brother Cim and what role he has played in my life. I sent him a draft to edit and get his opinion on it, well when he emailed me back he called me a meanie cause he opened it up at work and he had to be all macho and manly :P

I showed the paper to my mom and she asked if she could have it and I said sure. I'm gonna print off another couple, make the font bigger and more fancy looking. I'll frame mine and give one to him to keep ( maybe I'll put it in a frame as well )

It's gonna be a long couple of weeks or weekends I should say. We are taking my mom back to the city this weekend and then next weekend a friend wants to come visit him. He misses us and is lonely (that may also be because his wife and daughter are still in another province at a childrens hospital), we miss him as well. It's just not the same with him in the city and us out in the country about 4 hours away.

Life will get easier soon as I will have my driver's license and hubby won't have to do all the driving anymore and he can sleep (he usually does as a passenger) when we go on trips.

Don't have more to say now, maybe later I will.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Who Knows

So it's been about a week since I posted last. A lot has happened, I did a work experience for school, hubby got a job, kid got sick.....What to talk about first?

First work experience for school was not what I expected at all. I was supposed to be shadowing and maybe doing actual work, but that didn't happen :( Instead I got farmed out to all these different services provided in the area. I found out about a lot of services and help available. It's gonna help me get my mother to move back here.

Hubby's job is to pick up recycling and sort it. A very dirty job and physical as well. The youngest has been battling a cold for about 2 weeks now and on the weekend it turned into an ear infection. Not pretty at all.

So all in all it was a very interesting week, more again soon I hope.